Vaccination Pace Slow Despite the Warning for the Refusal of Healthcare Workers to Get Vaccinated

vaccination slows despite pims continuous warnings

Vaccination Progress Slows as Healthcare Workers Refuse to Get Vaccinated

Despite the rising COVID-19 cases everyday and continuous warnings, healthcare workers are showing reluctance to get vaccinated, and thus the vaccination pace has been slow. Several sources cite that the third batch of 70,000 vaccine doses has been dispatched to Punjab to distribute it among healthcare workers and oldies aging 65 or above.

vaccinationSources have further reported the growing reluctance among healthcare workers even though they are on the frontline and more prone to infection. Keeping in mind that the government has made the vaccination process for free, only 35% of the total staff in Punjab has been found vaccinated in 23 days.

The statistics reveal that only 45,000 doses have been given out of the total 2,75000. The reluctance is due to the delay in the clearance for the side effects that it may cause any. Talking about the Mayo Hospital, a well-known healthcare center in Lahore, specifically, only 740 of 6,000 health specialists have raised their hands to get vaccinated.

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On 3rd Feb 2021, the Ministry of National Health Services tweeted about the instructions to register for the vaccination program.

Vaccination drive against COVID-19 for Frontline Healthcare Workers has started in Pakistan. Here is a stepwise guide for Healthcare Workers to register and get vaccinated at the designated Vaccination Center. #vaccine #COVID19 #CovidVaccineForPakistan

Ministry of National Health Services, Pakistan @nhsrcofficial @GovtofPakistan

With the continuous warnings from the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (Pims) and instructions from the secretary of health Punjab, only a few have agreed to go for vaccination, where the majority is still doubtful about its effectiveness rate.

Pims clearly said about taking actions against healthcare workers who are refusing to take the vaccine and risking their lives as well as their family and other people.

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In addition, till any further notice, hospital administrations have also issued a statement to get themselves registered and vaccinated as soon as possible. Those who refuse to do so will have to face the consequences.

Likewise, in Pims, only 1500 of the 3000 registered volunteers have got the vaccination. The management is putting the staff under pressure to get jab as soon as possible. As per the health authorities, only 5,500 individuals have received their vaccination in Islamabad. In total, there are over 14,000 people who should get vaccinated to serve at the hospitals.