How to identify a Facebook account is of real girl who sends you a friend request
If you receive a friend request from a female profile. Before losing yourself in romantic dreams let me tell you how to identify is a girl’s Facebook profile is real?. It will save you from screenshots and regrets.

Step No. 1
This is the first step to identify girl facebook is real. If her name is like Cute peri, too hot to handle, Barbie doll, or princess, then you must understand that this place is not for you. Block that Id instantly because 99% of the accounts are fake. If she has a good name then go to step#2.
Step No. 2
Now, visit her wall and check when did she create her account? If she created her account yesterday or the day before yesterday, a week ago, or the same month and sends a friend request to you, it does not mean that the attractive waves coming out from you have attracted this girl. The only possibility is that a friend of yours is playing a dirty game with you or an alien is trying to take screenshots or is trying to hack your Facebook account. But if you see that her profile is a year old you can carry on your investigation by following step 3.
The third step How to identify girl Facebook is real or not. Now you have to
examines the “About” section of the profile. If she has written the name of prime education in her bio institutes like LUMS, Beacon house, King Edward, DPS, or NCA please stop yourself here. Because you are not so lucky that a girl from such a premium institute will ever be interested in you even you take another birth. Keep your hopes alive, If she has mentioned a Government school or college name. Now, keeping your hopes alive following the step4.
Step No.4.
Now analyze the last three days’ activities of that Facebook profile. If she has shared pictorial posts please stop your embarrassing journey here. My friend you find that she has not posted any single thing on her profile then understands that there is something fishy. If she has posted things like I have a headache in my head, how am I looking in this picture or I am not feeling good since morning? My dear friend, please stop your embarrassing journey here. You are in the wrong way. Because there is an old fashioned villain who blackmails fool people like you and demands mobile loads.
But if you see that she posts things about politics, social issues, or about her personal life then please, keep your heart’s bell ringing.
Step No. 5
Now, you have to carefully analyze the comments of that girl’s profile picture. If you see that majority of the comments are being made by people like you, then its time to pack up. If you see comments from illiterate people working in Arab countries run way unfortunate friend. You have lost in your love story the beginning. Now, wait for your lucky day. If you find civilized and educated people there, then you can keep your hope alive. God has answered your prayers. If you find the profile of her brother or father, My friend stays away from this girl. An incident like Talal Chaudhary can happen with you.
Now move to step number 6.
Step No. 6
Now I am going to tell you that the l step How to identify girl Facebook is real which is, if the privacy setting is public then compare yourself with your age, appearance, and qualification. For sure they will be better than you in every aspect of life. But do not worry just go to the washroom and splash cold water on your face. Then wipe your face. After that stand in front of the mirror and ask yourself is she mad? Why is she coming back to you while having better persons in her life than you?
Your investigation ends here.
But by bad luck, if there are still some unsuccessful and flamboyant people in her friend list then you must sing I have a little bit of life left in me. Because you are lucky enough like me for whom a beautiful lady has a desire for friendship.