55 More Lose the Battle Against Coronavirus as Second Wave Intensifies

55 More Lose the Battle Against Coronavirus as Second Wave Intensifies
55 More Lose the Battle Against Coronavirus as Second Wave Intensifies

The Ministry for National Health Services confirms through the National Command Operations Centre (NCOC) that a further 55 people lose the battle of life against the coronavirus. The total death count from COVID-19 has risen to 9,929 so far in the country.

The province of Sindh saw the most deaths, as there were 22 deaths there. Punjab had 21 deaths and there were seven deaths in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Out of the 55 deaths during the last 24 hours, 35 died on ventilators. Total active cases in Pakistan were 39,488 as of December 28. So far, 423,892 people recovered across Pakistan making it a significant count. There is no patient on ventilator in AJK, GB and Balochistan.

In all, 2263 patients are in a critical condition across Pakistan and the number of critical patients is rising fast. In all, 1974 people tested positive out of 32,205 tests conducted on December 27 with the positivity rate recorded at 6.13%. The highest positivity rate was in the city of Abbotabad at 15.95%. This was closely followed by Karachi at 14.81% and then by Hyderabad at 14.47%.

The positivity ratio in the federating units was AJK 12.54%, Balochistan 2.71%, GB 0%, Islamabad 5.94%, KP 5.16%, Punjab 4.06% and Sindh 8.61%.

The Confusing Policies

The authorities themselves are in a state of confusion when it comes to implementing strict measures. The government insists that ‘smart lockdowns’ are the best policy for restricting the spread. Yet the number of cases seems to be going up every day, even with the lockdowns in place.

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The Fearless People

The government is not the only one to blame for these cases. The people who are the ones in danger are the culprits themselves. The whole population is having ceremonies, gatherings and are meeting at restaurants as the second wave intensifies. Restaurant authorities politely ask an individual to wear a mask. A request, which is almost every time denied. Even if the people have a mask on, the effectiveness of this policy is questionable. Everyone has to take them off anyway to eat and the mask is on the table or just hanging here and there. If someone has been to an infected area, the mask could have the virus on the outside fabric.

Global Coronavirus Confusion

It is not just Pakistan that is going through this confusion. Countries where vaccines are already given to people are still seeing rising positive cases. Moreover, with the discovery of new strains, the vaccine saga is back to square one. The new strain will need a new vaccine, by which time the virus may be in the process of further mutation.