Barbaroslar Episode 32 | Release Date and Synopsis

Episode 32 Synopsis

Khizir caught Don Diego in the forest, but lost him during the attack of Selim’s men. Don Diego went to Selim’s house and said that he had to stay here for a while. Selim argued with Murat not to give up Don Diego and asked Oruj to leave Jijel. Don Diego then secretly went to talk to the Rhodesian admiral. Oruj learned that Don Diego was going to attack Algeria with the knights and asked Khizir to stop them at sea.

Oruj asked Ilyas to stay in Jijel and went to attack Algeria. While waiting for the knights to arrive, Selim was attacked by the Turks. Oruj caught his old friend and executed him in public. The people of Algeria said that Oruj was the new Sultan. Khizir’s fleet destroyed most of the ships coming from Rhodes. Ilyas learned that Don Diego was preparing to attack Jijel and went to the forest with Esma to catch him.

While Rosa was killing Esma, Don Diego injured Ilyas. Oruj went to the forest to save his brother, but Ilyas died soon after. When Khizir returned to Algiers, he learned that Ilyas was dead and said he would kill Don Diego. Don Diego once again went to talk to the admiral and took him to a nearby pirate island. Piri went to talk to Sultan Selim with the world map he made. Khizir learned of the island where Don Diego was hiding and went to catch him. While preparing to help Khizir, Oruj learned that some Spanish bandits were attacking the people.

Oruj went to a courtyard to help people, but Don Diego suddenly attacked him. After Khizir killed the admiral, he went to help Oruj. Oruj said he would die soon and asked Khizir to take him to the shore for the last time. Oruj died while watching the sea. Khizir said that he would avenge everyone he lost and started talking to Piri about the Ottomans.

Barbaroslar Episode 32 Release Date in Different Countries

06:00 PM Thursday  01:00 PM Thursday  10:00 PM Thursday 
 26 May  2022 26 May 2022 26 May 2022
London,  UK New York, USA Lahore, Pakistan
(GMT+1) (GMT-4) (GMT+5)

Barbaroslar  Episode 32 English Subtitles 👇

Barbaroslar Episode 32 English Subtitles, Barbroslar English Subtitles Episode 32, Watch and Download Barbroslar Episode 32, with English Subtitles free, here we found the Episode 32 for our viewers to enjoy it for free.

Barbaroslar  Episode 32 Urdu Subtitles 👇

Barbroslar  Episode 32 Urdu Subtitles,  Barbarslar   Subtitles Episode 32,  Watch and Download Barbarslar Episode 32 with Urdu Subtitles free, here we found the Episode 32 for our viewers to enjoy it for free.

Episode 32 will appear here with Urdu subtitles after release