COVID Situation Out Of Control As 15151 Cases Are Reported

COVID Situation Out Of Control As 15151 Cases Are Reported
COVID Situation Out Of Control As 15151 Cases Are Reported

The Whole COVID-19 Pandemic Situation Gets Out Of Control As 15151 Cases Are Reported

The COVID-19 situation in the country is worsening as more than 12000 cases are reported in a single week. This is the highest since July and the numbers are expected to increase as doctors predict that the prevailing smog will weaken immunity.

The second wave of coronavirus is hitting hard throughout the globe with millions of cases being reported every day and thousands of deaths. Moreover, the death ratio is slowly going up too. The week ended November 15th saw a total of 15151 cases, according to the Ministry of National Health Services, Pakistan.

The official Twitter handle for the department tweeted that the total for today brings the total of active cases to 26538.

The whole week more than 1500 cases have been reported each day. In addition, the defiance of the Government in imposing controlling measures is flabbergasting. There were more than 160 casualties in the week.

2,443 fresh infections on 15th November, bring the total cases to date to 356,904. Of these, there were 323,225 recoveries.

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The total death count is alarming as 7141 people have lost lives to the coronavirus. Sunday alone saw 32 people die because of it. The most alarming situation is the rise in the death rate. Until now, Pakistan had one of the best recovery rates. But recent weeks have seen the death rate climb up.

No Lockdown On the Cards? Coronavirus On the Lose

According to the Spectator Index only 2.2% of the Pakistani population has been tested. In contrast, some countries have tested beyond their own population.

Amidst these alarming numbers, all the universities and offices that are open and have an order to work on alternate days. However, very few organizations are following the orders. But, Prime Minister is adamant that a lockdown is not in the favor of the country and says that the Government machinery will look into other methods of averting this threat faced by the people.

Pakistan brought the active cases to just 264 on Aug. 30. The daily death toll also fell to a single digit. However, the combination of flu season, smog, and winters is not working in favor of the country and is forcing the government to take remedial measures.

The government is considering announcing winter vacations in educational institutes. A committee will decide on November 16th.

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With no complete lockdown on the cards and ‘smart lockdowns’ only being a gimmick for the media, the survival of the people is in their own hands. Firstly, remember to wash your hands regularly. Moreover, avoid touching your eyes and ears.

Furthermore, wearing a mask is absolutely necessary. If you cannot breathe in what the other person exhales, both of you are safe. Keep each other safe, maintain a safe distance from each other, and avoid touching anything without a reason.