17 individuals have been apprehended by Karachi police following a deadly clash between Bugti...

On Friday, law enforcement apprehended 17 individuals in connection with a fatal clash between opposing groups of the Bugti family, resulting in the death of five individuals and the injury of...
Has the summer break for schools in Islamabad been prolonged?

Has the summer break for schools in Islamabad been prolonged?

The summer vacation for both public and private schools in Islamabad is scheduled to conclude on July 31, due to unusual weather conditions and intense heat. The vacation began on June...

PML-N female leaders denounce the deep-fake video aimed at Azma Bokhari

This Post is about the condemnation by PML-N women leaders of a deep-fake video targeting Azma Bokhari, a PML-N leader. The government has vowed to go after those responsible for the...

A woman’s dance at her divorce celebration ignites a controversial discussion.

Divorce is a deeply emotional and distressing experience for individuals of all genders. In South Asian cultures, the significance of weddings is profoundly ingrained, often symbolizing the purpose of one's existence....
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Apple to launch the First iphone with 1tb storage on Tuesday

Apple to launch the First iPhone with 1tb Storage on Tuesday iPhone with 1tb storage will be launching on Tuesday. A streaming occasion on Apple...