7 Incredible morning rituals to kick start your productivity

Morning rituals to kick start your productivity

The way you start your day predicts how far you will stand. Morning rituals are a great way to set the productivity tone for the entire day ahead. Maybe you’re following different morning routines each day like one day­ — cooking a big breakfast, listening to awesome songs and making new hairstyles. The other day — meditating, sweating out and thinking all about the running projects. If you are doing this, believe it or not, you are ruining your mornings and far away from productivity. So, is there any right way to squeeze out most from the days? Yes, and that’s why we are here with the list of 7 Morning rituals to kick start your productivity. 

Many successful people constructively applied these unique morning rituals like Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins, Barack Obama, and CEO of the world-class companies like Apple, Xerox, NASA and Nike.  So wasting no time, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of the content.

1. Get up early in the morning

Getting out of bed early in the morning is the most arduous task I’ve ever faced. If you are a night owl and working great, that’s awesome. But for me, shifting from being a night owl to the early riser (waking up at 5 am) has been a stroke of luck.

Morning rituals to kick start your productivity

That’s why I encourage you to wake up at 5 am. By doing this, you would get enough quiet time to meditate, strategic thinking and make yourself ready for the day ahead. You’ll find yourself the calmest, organized person and waste less time.

So if you haven’t created an early rising habit, start tomorrow. Because successful people have life-changing morning routines and they all can’t be wrong.

2. Exercise

I know that juggling between family priorities and a nine-to-five job makes it harder to get the time for exercise. But exercise is one of the fantastic morning rituals for energy and to get a boost each morning. Start your day doing an exercise right after leaving your bed. It will release a hormone called serotonin, which helps you feel happy and more productive.

That’s not all. Our brain also releases some other neurotransmitters including dopamine, norepinephrine and endorphins, which make you feel energized, reduce anxiety level and keep you focused for the rest of the day.

If you are not comfortable to fit the morning workout in your schedule, that’s okay! Figure out what works best for you and stick to it.


3. Take at least 10 minutes to meditate

Morning rituals to kick start your productivity

Most people stay stressful, carrying too many thoughts and stay absent-minded that drain their productivity. I know everyone is busy and a lot of things demand our attention and time. But practicing meditation can save your hell of a time by giving you extraordinary focus and proves itself one of the best morning rituals for happiness.

 No matter how much busy my schedule is, I must take at least 10 minutes to meditate, which saves me dozens of hours in return.

4. Follow the journaling routine daily

When you plan the day, you exactly know what to do in the day ahead. Because “the things that get scheduled are the things that get done” said Robin Sharma. 

Morning rituals to kick start your productivityJournaling is a powerful routine which assists you to become a happier and grateful person because without gratitude; you can never achieve success in any area. That’s why most of the magnificent personalities have a journaling habit and they use these morning rituals to kick start their productivity like Richard Branson, Warren Buffett, Arianna Huffington. Some historical personalities like Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and Leonardo da Vinci are popular for their journaling habits.

5. Keep away from the distractions

Morning rituals to kick start your productivity

Are you from those people who keep checking emails and notifications throughout the workday? You are distracting yourself from doing things which are more important and ruining the workflow. The distraction causes the major loss in productivity, and we can overcome only if we train our minds by setting priorities and put ourselves in a distraction-free mode.

6. Start your day with a healthy breakfast and keep hydrated

When we sleep, our body rejuvenates after a long time of physical and mental activities — shouting for a new fuel in the morning.

Morning rituals to kick start your productivity A breakfast filled with proteins, whole grains, healthy fats and plenty of vegetables and fruits will decide how productive you will be the whole day. Also, don’t forget to drink at least 8-12 glass of water daily because drinking enough water will help you function properly and feeling less tired.  A research conducted by The University of East London shows that drinking water can make your brain work 14% faster. Not convinced yet? Try drinking plenty of water and see the results yourself.

7. Do work in sprints

Apply the 60/10 method while doing work. This method says to do work for 60 minutes and relax for 10 minutes.

Morning rituals to kick start your productivityThe peak performers and top athletes are not the best because of what they do, but how effectively they have done.

Spend 60 minutes in the deep focus of what you do and then relax for ten minutes and repeat. By working in sprints brings an awesome focus and creativity in your work.

Bottom line

Some people like to rise early, and others seriously hate this ritual. Some like to meditate, and others prefer doing an intense workout. Still, some people want to do creative work first, and others prefer doing light work — leaving important tasks for the rest of the day.

There are no one-size-fits-all morning rituals for productivity you must follow. Instead, I’ve shared the power of daily rituals and a secret behind the incredible success of superhuman beings! You can follow these routines, and they will take some time to change into a habit.

What is your morning routine? Do you have other morning ritual ideas? Please comment on and share with us your precious thoughts.