Türkler Geliyor: Adaletin Kılıcı (Turks are Coming) Release Date

kurulus osman episode 27

Türkler Geliyor: Adaletin Kılıcı (The Turks Are Coming: Sword of Justice) English Subtitles Release Date

 Genre: Action, History, Drama

This movie was shot in 2019 by the producer of Yunus Emre, Mehmetcik Kutulamare, Dirilis Ertugrul, and Kurulus Osman. After Fatih Sultan Mehmet conquered Istanbul, he wanted to advance to Rome through the Balkans (Eastern Europe). Fatih sends the Akincilar (Akinjis) group of elite warriors for this. Serbian King Lazar realizes the imminent danger and forms an alliance with Catholics, led by the Pope.

The Akincilar takes action as soon as possible to break this alliance and restore peace in the Balkans. Later, the Serbian King Lazar captures the wife of the late Sultan Murad (Sultan Mehmet’s father )and throws her in the prison. After this, things get more complicated and the war begins. In the film, the audience sees Serdar Gokhan (Suleiman Shah), whom they know from the Dirilis Ertugrul television series, and Eren Vurdem (Konur Alp) from the Kurulus Osman television series.

When Türkler Geliyor: Adaletin Kılıcı (The Turks Are Coming: Sword of Justice) will release with English Subtitles and How to Watch 

The Turks Are Coming: Sword of Justice will be on-air for the first time on Wednesday, 16 September on atv at 08:00 PM according to Turkish Standard Time. The movie Türkler Geliyor: Adaletin Kılıcı (The Turks Are Coming: Sword of Justice) will be uploaded on MultiPoint TV with English Subtitles within 4 hours of the official release. Subscribe the membership using Coupon “GET30” to enjoy 30% flat discount on half yearly and yearly plans.

You can also watch this movie for free on historicaltv.com later on.