Cukur Season 4 Release date | The Pit Episode 95 Latest News

Cukur Season 4

Turkish TV Series Cukur which means “The Pit” tells us about the story of Yamac who is a young and energetic man who belongs to Kocova family. His family is ruling over Cukur which is considered one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Istanbul. A different and prime thing about the criminal clan is that they don’t deal with drugs means no production, no sale, and no use of drugs. in this article, we will tell you about cukur season 4 with English subtitles and when will it release. When Cukur Season 4 Episode 95 will be released? it is exposed in the article.

Cukur (The Pit) has been produced by Ay Yapim whose international distributor is Inter Medya, Starring Aras Bulut Iynemli as Yamac and Dilan Cicek Deniz as Sena. Inter Medya has sold the series into Northern Iraq, Afghanistan, and Georgia. It is also set to air in Chile soon. Gökhan Horzum is a scriptwriter and Yamac Okur is the executive producer of the TV Serial Cukur (The Pit).

Cukur Season 4 English Subtitles Trailer 1

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The young man Yamac falls in love with Sena after meeting her and they get happily married. As before Yamac has left the family behind, but he comes back to Cukur along with Sena where he becomes the head of the family.

Meanwhile, a new group makes an entry into the series while coming to the neighborhood. This new coming group tries to do the business of drugs. Because of which there started conflicts between the new group and the Kocova family. Later these conflicts turn into fights. Kocova family is resisting them but with time they are getting more powerful. But as the youngest son of the Kocova family Yamac turns back to Cukur, they started to rise again and the family begins to gain strength. Yamac successfully fights back but his relationship also goes into a

Its 3 seasons have been completed which are also available with English subtitles. Now there is good news for the fans of this Tv series. Yes, Cukur (The Pit) Season 4 is going to release in September 2020. The audience will be able to watch Cukur (The Pit) Episode 95 with English Subtitles soon.