Turkey after “Treaty Of Lausanne” in 2023 | Treaty of Sevres

treaty of lausanne

What is “Treaty Of Lausanne” and How it will help Turkey to regain its lost status

Turkey is a famous Muslim country but it has become even more popular especially in Pakistan after the serial “Resurrection Ertugrul” aired on PTV. It was Ertugrul who proposed the idea of his own land for “Turk” nation. Later, the son of Ertugrul “Usman” founded the Ottoman Caliphate.

Turkey is an advanced and developed country with more than 80 Million population. Now-a-days, a new discussion has been raised about how will Turkey look after completion of 100 years “Treaty of Lausanne”? So, what is “Treaty of Lausanne” and how was this agreement reached? What were the terms and conditions in this agreement? And how it impacts after its completion on Turkey and other signatories? We will look in detail.

In World War 1, Ottoman Empire sided with Central Powers (Germany, Hungary, Austria, and Bulgaria) and its allies against Allied Powers (Great Britain, France, Russian, Japan, Italy, Romania, and the USA). Central Powers remained dominant on Allied Powers for three years. But, after this period they started to lose their position in the war and Allied Powers became dominant. In 1918, Germany requested to Allied Powers for a ceasefire, and after this Allied Powers imposed “Treaty of Sevres” on Ottoman Empire on 10 August 1920 at Sevres city of France. This agreement was signed between Allied Powers and Sultan of the Ottoman Empire “Mahmood Vahideddin” which liquidated the Ottoman Empire and abolished the Turkish sovereignty.

But, Turk nationalists denied accepting the “Treaty of Sevres” because it had very hard and tough conditions that were imposed on the Ottoman Empire by Allied Powers. War of Independence was started in Turkey from which was led by Kamal Ataturk Pasha and it ended in 1923. Turk nationalist government forced the Allied power for a new treaty and agreement was signed between Allied Powers and Turk Nationalist Government led by Kamal Atatürk Pasha in July 1923 known as “Treaty of Lausanne”. This treaty ended the conflict between Allied powers with Turk and defined the borders of the modern Turkish Republic. Turk’s nationalist government gave up all claims to remainder of the Ottoman Empire and in return, Allied powers recognized Turkish sovereignty within its new borders. The other conditions imposed on Turkey in this agreement were:

Brief Documentary on Treaty of Lausanne & its impact on World

Ottoman Empire liquidated and Calipha Mahmood Vahideddin was exiled to Malta. The Ottoman Empire was spread over three continents (Asia, Europe, and Africa) and they had a lot of resources. But, these all resources were seized by Allied Powers. Turkey was called “Secular State” and will remain for 100 years according to the treaty. Its Islamic identity was abolished. Turkey cannot drill for its petroleum products and other minerals. Bosporus waterway or strait of Istanbul was declared as an International Maritime way.

Now, the treaty has three years to complete. While Turkey is strengthening itself. But, what Turkey can do after 2023.

Turkey has the option to claim all over the territories which were part of the Ottoman Empire. But, it may have very negative impacts on the politics of Turkey as well as serious consequences in the region. Because it’s not easy to merge the liberated countries again in Turkey and all countries included Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iraq, Libya, and other countries will also not like to merge them in Turkey. So, this step may have serious impacts on Turkey as well as for the region.

Turkey can drill and extract Oil and Gas and other minerals which can minimize its dependency on import of Oil. So, Turkey can use its own Petroleum products which will strengthen and boost its economy. Now, Turkey uses more than 1 Million barrel Oil per day and it imports all of its Oil. So, after 2023 Turkey will enable to drill its own Oil and can save its billions of Dollars which can boost its economy exponentially (Continue…👇).

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In the Treaty of Lausanne, Allied Powers declared Bosporus strait as International Maritime waterway. Bosporus, which is also known as Strait of Istanbul, basically connects the Black sea with Sea of Marmara. Strait of Bosporus divides the Anatolia (Asian side) and Eastern Thrace (European side) of Turkey. It is 31 km long strait having narrow width and it connects Europe to the world. Estimate, more than 48000 ships pass annually through this strait and this is three to four time’s denser maritime traffic than passes in Suez and Panama Canal. This Internationally recognized and significant waterway is located in North-western Turkey.

treaty of lausanne

While Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, and even some central Asian countries including Kazakhstan use this maritime way to trade with the world. Bosporus is one of the world’s most important chokepoints for maritime transit of Oil. Three percent of global supply of Oil 3 Million barrels per day of oil passes through this strait by Russia. This route also ships the vast amount of grains from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan to the world’s market. Every country is using this waterway without paying any tax because of its international recognition. But, after 2023, Turkey has the plan to take taxes from every ship that will use this maritime way and it will boost Turkey’s economy and will also have political influence over this region